Geocaching Esslingen

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Sui due golfi

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GC29JNR Sui due golfi (Monte S. Angelo)

Cache am 27.07.2013 archiviert

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Typ: Traditional

Koordinaten: N 40° 38.758 E 014° 29.865

Size: Small
Difficulty: 2
Terrain: 4,0

Short Description

Una gita molto bella sulla cima di Monte S. Angelo.

A very nice tour to the top of Monte S. Angelo.

Long Description

Dal parcheggio alla cima si deve camminare 2,5 km. La differenza dell' altezza sono 275 metri. La cache si trova circa 100 metri vicino la croce sul Monte S. Angelo (1.444 m).

From the Parking to the top of the mountain you have to walk about 2.5 km. The altitude difference is 275 meters. You can find the cache about 100 meters beneath the cross of Monte S. Angelo (1.444 m).

This cache is being maintained by someone that lives in Positano.

Additional Waypoints

Parking place

N 40° 39.491 E 014° 29.601

Top of Monte S. Angelo

N 40° 38.784 E 014° 29.906

Start of the hiking tour
N 40° 39.445 E 014° 29.626

Additional Hints
IT: dietro una piccola roccia, sotto una pietra; ENG: back of a little rock, behind a stone

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Last meters before you reach the cache

View from the cache

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